In the sidebar, click on WooCommerce > Export Orders.
(If you cannot see this option please get in touch with us, we may have to set it up)
You will see a screen with many options.
Choose CSV format for your exported file. This will create a spreadsheet file. Leave all other options as default.
Order Statuses: Choose which orders you would like to export based on their status: Processing, On hold, Completed, Cancelled, Refunded, Failed. For example, you may want to contact all Completed orders about changing the date of the competition draw. Or you may want to contact all Failed orders asking them if they had an issue you can help with.
Filter by order: If you want to send an update, but may want to contact new orders in the future with the same update without repeating to those you have already contacted, select Mark exported orders for the first update. And, in the newer orders update tick Export unmarked orders only.
Custom fields: Use this if you want to contact customers based on a certain order metric. For example, customers who placed an order before a certain date, or, customers who live outside of a certain area. To contact customers outside of Great Britain, select their _billing_country, is < > (this means not equal to), GB. Click the to add this custom fields filter into the box below it.
Use this to select orders which contain the product (competition).
Check the necessary tick boxes. Start typing the product or category in to select it from a drop down list.
Further down, under Set up fields to export you can select only which fields you would like in your list, such as name and email.
Then, click on Export to begin the download of the csv spreadsheet.